Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Room at the Table

Last Wednesday we had our costume party and started the evening off by celebrating Martin Luther and the Reformation. Martin Luther is one of my favorite heroes of the faith. His boldness and dedication to God's word changed the world forever. He also set a great example for believers. Martin Luther did not have sex until he got married. Martin Luther didn't get married until he was over 40. Teenagers find that strange.

When had many students test their creativity with costumes. We had characters ranging from the Geico Caveman to Jack Sparrow. I tried my hand at dressing up like Sheriff Woody.

We were caught off guard. There are days that feel like few students will show up. It felt like one of those days. And then they started coming and coming. A quick count of the room revealed a new attendance record.......101. Congratulations to all the students who worked to hit their goal of 100. I commend those who made the commitment to invite their friends week after week. I'm encouraged by your actions.

Love Our World- Light During a Time of Darkness (Halloween)
In 1 Thes 5:5, we're told that we are the children of the light and not of the darkness. That tells us that we don't have to be afraid of the darkness anymore. We are given the commission to shine our light into the darkest regions of the our home, schools, world, and even our churches. We have many visitors who attend our services on a weekly basis. Many of these students don't look like your typical church kid. Our youth groups draws a large variety of students: the jocks, the preps, the goths, emo kids, geeks, nerds, band kids, the country bumpkins. We have a little of everything. It would be very easy for these groups to ignore one another. That would not be a good example of light. By God's grace, we can love the things that are different form us. We are given this huge task of loving others. Why? Because God loves. God, in his mercy and kindness, can even love us. The creatures who are broken, messed up, depraved, and even enemies with him. What if Jesus would have said, "Clean yourself up, stop all sin, live the perfect life, and then try to find a way to me." The beauty of the gospel is that Jesus meets us right where we are. We are told to come as we are. You don't get cleaned up to take a bathe. God loves you right where you are, but he loves you far too much to leave you there. If meet Jesus, we will be changed. We must create an atmosphere that allows people to meet Jesus, just as they are. We must give them the opportunity be changed, not change them in hopes to creating an opportunity. We accomplish this by shining our light into the darkness. We accomplish this through love. Real love that loves the things that it hurts to love.

I love the Great Commission. I love as the risen Jesus fires up his rocket pack and starts to ride into the atmosphere (maybe he didn't have a jet pack :)) that he reminds his followers of their task. Remember, this comes after Jesus had performed miracles, healed the sick, gave life to the dead, rubbed mud and spit in a dudes eyes and magically he regained his vision (gross!), went to a cruel cross, was placed in a borrowed tomb, and then got up 3 days later. If you hadn't made up your mind before this point as to whether or not Jesus was God, I think it might sway your decision. If I see a guy raise from the dead, I want to be on his team. Even after all this, we see in Matthew 28:17 that as all the people gathered around the triumphant Jesus, some still doubted. There is room at the table even for those who doubt. Our church must be an open table. Before you label me a Universalist, I believe that only those who trust in Jesus have eternal rescue. I'm not saying everyone gets to spend eternity with Jesus. While that sounds cute, we see in Matthew 7 that the road is narrow that leads to life and few find it. But even this narrow road is paved with love. We will never win anyone to Christ by treating them as if they are worthless, as if we were somehow better than them. It is easy to hate and fear the things that are different than you. Try love instead.

- Daniel the friendly, neighborhood youth pastor

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