Thursday, March 3, 2011

Monster Part 6: Doubt

In Matthew 14:31 we find the story of Jesus walking on the water and Peter's poor attempt to follow in his steps. We typically remember the part of the story when Peter begins to sink. Jesus simply responds, "Why do you doubt?" This remark is packed with meaning. Jesus is saying, "After all that you have witnessed, after spending so much time with me, after all that I have taught you, after all that you have experienced, Why do you doubt?"

In Matthew Chapter 28, we find Jesus as he is about to ascend into heaven. This is the resurrected, got-up-from-the-grave, the I-cheated-death Jesus. This should be a pretty good indicator that He is indeed God. But in Matthew 28:17 we find that a multitude is gathered around the resurrected Jesus and yet some doubt. These same people have heard of Jesus, they knew about His death, they knew about His burial, and now the scandal of His resurrection had rocked the region. They knew this Jesus and yet some doubted. This shows us that some people can see the truth, experience the truth, feel/touch the truth, and yet doubt.

The Story of Doubting Thomas
John 20:24-25- Please read
+Thomas has a reaction that would be similar to ours. If you tell me that a dead man has been raised to life, I'm going to ask for evidence.

The Confession of Thomas the Believer
John 20:26-28- Please read
+ Jesus offers a gentle command, "Stop doubting and believe."
+ Thomas offers the only confession worthy of this finding, "My Lord and My God."
+ "My" makes this an extremely personal confession. Thomas takes this to heart.
+ My Lord and My God- Have you made this confession? If you cannot make this confession with integrity, you have no part of Jesus of salvation.

It is ok to have questions. It's not ok to have questions and never seek the answers. Thomas shows us that we can ask questions. He shows us that we can be forgiven of doubt. And he shows us that when we find the truth, we should abandon our doubt and cling to the truth.

Can you make that confession with integrity? Is Jesus your Lord and your God? Do you have faith in Jesus? Faith is more than believing the truth. Faith is not blindly believing a myth or fairytale. Faith is placing your trust in something you have good reason to place your trust in. We have good reason to place our trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Doubt - Monster Series from UGBC Media on Vimeo.


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