Thursday, April 14, 2011

Schooled: The Fall

When you turn on the news tonight, you will find that something has gone terribly wrong with the world. You'll see war, violence, natural disaster, poverty, injustice, evil, loss, pain, suffering, starvation, neglect, tragedy, and more. After examining the situation, you are letting wondering one thing, "Why?" We have all asked, "Why is there so much suffering and pain?" We find our answer in God's Word. The find the account of something the Bible calls "The Fall." This is far worse than falling off your bike as your child and scraping your knee. This fall has an impact on all of creation.

Proverbs 20:9 says, "Who can say, 'I have made my heart pure; I am clean from my sin?"

The answer is no one but Jesus.

Read Genesis 3. Don't just read the words. Meditate on what you read. The story should not simply be for your reading pleasure. The impact of the Fall should devastate you emotionally.

What is sin? The Bible describes it as missing the mark, straying from the path, and walking our own way. Furthermore, sin is treason, madness, self abuse, and spiritual suicide.

In Genesis 3, we read of Satan's deception of Adam and Eve. Satan does what he does best, he twists God's Word. He tells Eve that eating of the tree really wasn't a big deal and it wouldn't really lead to her death. The lie is very similar today. Satan tells you, "You're not really going to die because of sin. Did God really say sin was such a big deal? You don't really need to repent of your sin. You don't really need God." Satan is a liar. You have a choice. Will you believe the truth of God's Word or will you choose to believe the lie?

Men typically want to blame Eve for the Fall. Where was Adam when the whole thing went down? He was there. What was Adam doing while Satan was lying and deceiving his wife? Nothing. Adam's sin was one of omission. He didn't do what he was supposed to do. What are you doing to end Satan's lies and deception? Is it nothing? Doing nothing is sin.

Sin has impacted all of us. It has impacted all of who we are as people. Our will, emotion, and thoughts are all corrupted by sin. Sin destroys our relationships, especially with God. Sin is rebellion against God's covenant and promise. And sin results in guilt, shame, and punishment. Before the fall, Adam and Eve walked the garden naked and felt no shame. This sin led to the feelings of guilt, shame, and worthlessness we sometimes feel. It is sin that has corrupted us.

You must understand the depths of your sin if you are going to understand the goodness of God. God has warned us about sin. We chose to rebel against Him. God is holy and must deal with sin. God is loving and chose to forgive and restore through the death and resurrection of His son Jesus. We can have a new relationship with God through repentance. We don't need a lifestyle change, we need a to be born again (John 3). We don't need to try harder, we need a new heart (Eze 36).

Questions for Reflection

Are you a sinner?

How have you sinned against God?

Have you asked God for forgiveness?

Have you repented?

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