Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sex & Dating: Part 2

We tried to answer the question "What if I crossed the line?"
Here is the basic outline of what we discussed.

Sin Affects Our Lives
+ Sin is like cancer
+ Sin wants to consume our lives
+ Sin will ruin your life and affect others

Paul warns the church in Corinth to guard itself against sin. He tells us that like leaven, a little sin has the tendency to grow and affect the whole. Sexual sin is like this.

Can This Be Made Right?
Many who fallen into sexual immorality often ask the following questions
+ Can I be loved?
+ Does God still care about me?
We find an answer to this question in this passage
+ The Story of David
- 2 Samuel Ch. 11-12 (please read)
We all know the story of David and Bathesheba. He spots a lady bathing on top of her roof. This leads into an affair, which leads into the murder of Bathesheba's husband. David then takes her as his wife in order to hide the pregnancy. The crime scene seems to have been cleared of all evidence. But, God sends a man named Nathan. We read of this in 2 Sam. 12. Nathan sets up a story of a poor man with only one sheep, whom he loves, and a rich man, who has more than he could hope for. Sound familiar? The rich man then takes the poor man's sheep for his own. Nathan has set the story up perfect. David takes the bait and replies, "Bring the man to me and we will kill him." and Nathan triumphantly replies, " You Are The Man!" David is immediately convicted. When we find ourselves in this position, we may ask, "What do we have to do to make this right? Name it Lord and we will do it. Whatever it takes we will do it. Name it and we will give it." and we find the answer to this question in Ps. 51. God doesn't desire our sacrifices. He doesn't need anything that we can do for him, he desires a broken and contrite heart.

If you have fallen into sexual immorality, you need to repent. Stop doing what you are doing. Repent.

1 John 1:9
+ Forgiveness
+ cleansing

What About My Guilt?
+Does your sin make you feel guilty or dirty?
+ Remember 1 Jn. 1:9
- Jesus will cleanse us
Out of this comes the doctrine of Expiation or
+ The cleansing work of Christ on the Cross
+ On the Cross, Jesus bore your sins, your failures, and your guilt and shame. Those things now belong to him. Don't try to hold on to them, they are no longer yours.

We closed with this:

Sin- It destroys us. Yours destroys you. Mine destroys me. And so God doesn't accept it. He hates it with all that is within him. To cut the cancer out of us, he will do whatever it takes- Like a surgeon. No, more than like a surgeon. If you let him, he will even take the cancer upon himself and die in your place. Budzwowski


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