Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ditch Your Life Now

No one wants to look back on their life and realize they've wasted it. We all desire to live a great life worthy of retelling. This carries the idea of leading a great story. One that can be shared and enjoyed. We all want to live great stories, but very few of us are actually committed to doing the work needed to complete such a task. No one desires to waste their life, but so many will. Our students are at a crucial stage of their development. This is a key time to take a stand and say "I will not waste my life." The unwasted life is one that places Jesus on display. Simply, we exist to make Him famous. We've been told our whole lives to go to college, get a great job, marry a wonderful partner, have kids, buy a huge house, own multiple cars, obtain the largest t.v. you can possible find, and start a 401k. At the heart of this American Dream is a lie. We are told to make much of ourselves. Seek security and comfort in all that you do. This seems like a bold contradiction to lives of early believers and the words of Christ himself.

In Hebrews 12:1-3, we see that we are not alone in this great battle. Many great men and women have gone before us. We have a great example in the faith that they have displayed. We even see our greatest example in Christ. We must be reminded to through off any weight that would hinder us from the ultimate goal of making Jesus famous. Roughly 75% of the students in our county do not attend any local church gatherings. We have a huge task ahead of us. Let us not be weighed down by selfish longings and greed.

In Matthew 13:44 we are reminded to treasure Christ above all things. The way we use money should tell the world that money is not our treasure; Christ is our treasure. The way the use our homes should tell the world that our home is not our treasure; our hope is in Christ. Christ is more valuable than any of the stuff we can hope to obtain. Does your life scream, "Christ Is My Treasure!"

Youth Sunday 2010

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